Rivergreen Males
We're very proud of our top class german shepherd males!

VA 2 Canada,VA4 Switzerland,VA5 Sweden, V1 Germany
Pacino 1 del Barranquet
Our best of the best VA (excellent select) on three GSD Sieger Shows: Canada, Sweden and Switzerland.This is only VA dog in Canada, that has VA titles from three different countries. Completely new bloodline for Canada: Ypsilon von Larchenhain and Nancy von Tronje. Paccino proved himself placing well on many German Shows plus V60, at 2015 BSZC. Pacino is available for stud to approved females. He's a proud father of CAN CH. Nico vom Rivergreen!

V, SG2, IGP2 KKL1 Quino von der Zenteiche
Quino is our 2020 superstar import. He's a full brother to SG4 Germany Quando von der Zenteiche, one of the biggest contenders for the future VA. Quino is out of excellent breeding; Mother 3XVA Germany, Belgium and Holland Viola von der Zenteiche, is one of the best females in the world. His dad VA Goran vom Bierstader Hof was responsible for producing several top dogs in the world. The grandparents are VA, Memphis, VA Leo, great-grandparents VA Walaby, VA Lenox and etc. The Quino brings completely new bloodline and NEW ERA to our kennel!
V1, SG1, IPO2 KKL1 Nero Makibilly
SER. Champion Nero Makibilly is also our import. Nero is just over 2 years old and already past his KKl1 and bred survey. We’re looking forward of campaigning this young male in North America. He comes out of VA father Dumas and V1 mother Karma. There are several VA males in his 3 gen pedigrees, VA Yoker, VA Lennox, VA Furbo, VA Turko which gives him great advantage and perfect combination for VA Remo offspring! He is available for stud to approved females!
SG1 Ontario Sieger Show 2019& 2018, King Winner Line
'If you’re not moving forward you’re going backward!'
There is no such thing as being stagnant in dog breeding.
'The moment you think you're doing everything just as it should be done and all you need to do is keep sailing, you're asking for your ship to sink'.
Having this in mind we selected King as our new breeding male. He’s a top long coat German Shepherd with a perfect temperament, excellent structure
and amazing show record. King is now over 2 years old and he achived 2X VP1 and 3x SG1 at the Ser. National Sieger Show and Ontario Sieger Show!
We’re very excited to add a long coat male in our breeding program.
Last weekend King was awarded SG1 at the ORC. SV judge Mr.Edgar Pertl, gave very nice critique about King and said that very promising show career lie ahead!

SG1, Palermo Topolovnicki
(In Memoriam)
Palermo is a son of 2X World Champion VA1 Remo Fictenchlang and V1 Divna Armandian Lidderdali. He brings the best of both world, great temperament with a perfect look and good work drive. We are looking forward of campaning this male in Canada and USA. Palermo is great stud and available for breeding. NEWS:Palermo's daughter Amiga placed SG2 and SG3 at 2018 and 2019 Ontario Reginal Championship!

V1,IPO2 KKL1A Iman vom Heerbusch
(In memoriam)
Beside Palermo, Iman is possibly the only direct Remo son available to breeders in Canada. His father, VA Remo vom Fichtenschlag IPO3, is the 2x world champion at the German Sieger Show. Iman’s mother, V Clea vom Konigsadler IPO2, is the mother of the 2013-14 VA male, VA Ballack von der Brucknerallee IPO3. Iman is an exceptional individual and comes from an exceptional, world class family.
Iman vom Heerbusch comes to Rivergreen to continue our efforts to produce the ‘balanced’ German Shepherd. He has an impressive show career – V1 Belgium, V3 Germany (in a strongly competitive class with Sieger Show entries), V4 Spain and V1 Canada. But these show results are supported by an honest IPO2 title. High scores in all three phases – tracking, obedience and protection – were honestly earned in well attended trials. Iman has his breed survey ‘for life’.